Tell us Jacklyn James about your NEW Safety Food Peeler???
After years of Farmers Markets, Fundraising and supplying into cooking Schools & Garden Kitchen Projects, it was becoming more and more obvious that Peeling was an issue. My Kiddies Food Kutter was already a proven success! The need/awareness to get Kids in the kitchen was taking off!
So from an idea, I designed a Bladeless “Safety Food Peeler”. Sourced a Plastic Manufacturer in Melbourne, a 3D CAD Design drawing was completed, prototype produced, matched the colours to the Kiddies Food Kutter – Red, Yellow and Blue and tested the Market.
I Sold 500 in a week and mainly to Adults and Left- Handers and the Elderly (Arthritis, Dimentia) Rebranded from Kiddies Food Peeler to Safety Food Peeler and ran off the 1st 9,000 (3,000) of each colour! 18 months later I have sold 36,000 and launched into the U.S.
The Safety Food Peeler is designed to help young children (and special needs adults) peel their food safely. Now children of all ages can help prepare food with a peeler that doesn’t use a blade! The Safety Food Peeler is Australian Designed and Made – and makes peeling fun for everyone!
Click through for more detail: