Friday, 10 July 2015

Safety Food Peeler - Made In Australia owned by Kiddies Food Kutter Pty Ltd


Tell us Jacklyn James about your NEW Safety Food Peeler??? 

After years of Farmers Markets, Fundraising and supplying into cooking Schools & Garden Kitchen Projects, it was becoming more and more obvious that Peeling was an issue. My Kiddies Food Kutter was already a proven success! The need/awareness to get Kids in the kitchen was taking off!

So from an idea, I designed a Bladeless “Safety Food Peeler”. Sourced a Plastic Manufacturer in Melbourne, a 3D CAD Design drawing was completed, prototype produced, matched the colours to the Kiddies Food Kutter – Red, Yellow and Blue and tested the Market. 

I Sold 500 in a week and mainly to Adults and Left- Handers and the Elderly (Arthritis, Dimentia) Rebranded from Kiddies Food Peeler to Safety Food Peeler and ran off the 1st 9,000 (3,000) of each colour! 18 months later I have sold 36,000 and launched into the U.S. 

The Safety Food Peeler is designed to help young children (and special needs adults) peel their food safely. Now children of all ages can help prepare food with a peeler that doesn’t use a blade! The Safety Food Peeler is Australian Designed and Made – and makes peeling fun for everyone!

Click through for more detail:

  • BPA friendly, Dishwasher Safe
  • Safe design with no blade at all!
  • Teaches kids to use a smooth sliding action to peel food
  • Promotes independence and self reliance
  • Perfect for helping mum or dad to prepare lunch or dinner
  • Easy to use, but adult supervision is required
  • Will peel everything a normal peeler will cut, except pumpkin and children!
  • Interactive with Parents and Grandparents
  • Teaches hand eye co-ordination skills
  • Available in red, blue or yellow
  • Packaging suitable for a gift

Teaching Knife Safety with your children - A Life Skill

KIDDIES FOOD KUTTER - Safety Knife for children M. 0418864353

Do your children want to get up on the bench and try to use a real knife??
Are you afraid to let them try? 
Do you give them a blunt butter knife? (They soon get bored don’t they) Or a silly plastic one that snaps :) Frustrating, and a waste of time………
Finally there is a SAFE Knife that is easy for children 2 years onwards, people with a disability, and the elderly to handle, allowing them to cut foods prepare and cut up their meal in a safe and fun way! 
SAFE The Kiddies Food Kutter uses a sawing action. cutting everything from a soft tomato to a tuff steak. 
The Kiddies Food Kutter –  intelligent design means they are effective, safe and easy for those having difficulty using traditional knives. Originally invented for Pumpkin Carving, so they are durable. BPA Free, available in Red, Blue and Yellow, Stainless Steel , non-toxic blade and teaches hand eye co-ordination!

The Kiddies Food Kutter is easy to learn to use and safe too:
  • Very safe design with rounded teeth and no sharp edges
  • Stainless steel non-toxic blade prevents corrosion
  • Teaches kids to use a sawing action to cut their food
  • Promotes independence and self reliance
  • Perfect on the dinner plate to cut meat and vegies
  • Easy to use, but adult supervision is required
  • Plastic handle is specially designed to fit small, child-sized hands
  • Will cut everything a normal knife will cut, except children!
  • Useful for preparing raw vegetables in the kitchen
  • Interactive with Parents and Grandparents
  • Teaches hand eye co-ordination skills
  • Available in red, blue or yellow
  • Packaging suitable for a gift
  • Dishwasher safe

 Click here: Kiddies Food Kutter